Remember last week when I was feeling all smug about making that Christmas pavlova while everyone else had the flu? Yeah, about that. Turns out the universe has a pretty solid sense of humor, and my victory lap was... premature.
But here's the funny thing about being forced to stay horizontal for days:
You notice things.
Like staring at your ceiling (and that one cobweb I really should deal with), how the late December sun hits your walls differently, how the Christmas tree lights make everything feel a bit magical, even when you're surviving on Advil, Tylenol and hope. And how this weird, messy limbo week between holidays is actually kind of perfect in its own way.
Why are we all in such a rush to strip away every trace of holiday joy the second December 26th hits? Why are we panic-buying storage containers at Target when we can barely remember what day it is (seriously, what day is it)?
This isn’t the week for some big, dramatic overhaul or an Instagram-worthy organization system (unless chaos fuels you, in which case, go for it).
This is the week for little, manageable shifts.
Take a moment to notice what’s already working. Start exactly where you are—even if that’s surrounded by Amazon boxes and a rogue roll of holiday ribbon that’s seen better days. You’re doing fine.
Because while everyone else is posting their "new year, new everything" stories, we're doing something different. Something real. Something that works for homes that are lived in, not just photographed.
And if you're also reading this from your own blanket fortress? Welcome to the club. Membership includes unlimited permission to leave your tree up as long as you want and zero pressure to "fresh start" anything until you're good and ready.
3 things I know for sure right now:
That post-holiday "what now?" feeling? Totally normal.
Everyone's posting their "year in review" and "2025 goals". Meanwhile, some of us are just trying to change clothes. Both are valid life approaches.
The secret to those magazine-worthy January resets isn't what you think. Hint: It has nothing to do with buying new storage containers at 3 AM.
Q. "Is it too late to start planning?"
A. Never.
Here's your framework:
Quick wins first (see below)
Plan in 90-day chunks
Start with your most-used space
Q. "Should I wait for the sales?"
My sale shopping strategy:
Yes for: Basic storage, classic pieces, lighting
No for: Statement pieces, seating, anything trendy
Maybe for: Decor, textiles (if you have storage)
Q. "What if I hate everything right now?"
Start with textile updates
Rearrange using the golden triangle method (see further below)
Add layers of light
Wait 48 hours before making any big decisions
Feeling overwhelmed?
You're not alone. This weird week between the holidays and New Year's is the perfect time to get honest about what we actually want our spaces to do for us in this year. Tell me what's actually stressing you out about 2025. I read every response, and it helps me create exactly what you need next.
The No-BS Reset System
These are the details that seem small but make your space unforgettable.
Zone 1: The Visible Spaces
Push everything 4" from walls (creates instant breathing room) and, most importantly
Group decor in threes (yes, even if you're dizzy)
Layer lighting at 24", 36", and 48" heights